Our Automobile Maintenance Chemicals are designed to care for your vehicle and keep it running smoothly for years.
- Chafing Fuel
- Heavy Chemicals
- Marine Chemicals
- Disinfectant Sprayers
- Household Chemicals
- Floor Cleaning Chemicals
- Decorative Industrial Paints
- White Spirit Manufacturer
- Water Treatment Chemicals
- Swimming Pool Cleaning Chemicals
- Industrial Laundry Chemicals
- Oilfield Speciality & Maintenance chemicals
- Automobile Maintenance Chemicals
- Industrial Cleaning & Degreasing Chemicals
- Janitorial Cleaning and Disinfectants for Healthcare
Automobile Chemicals play an important role in maintenance and extending the life of any vehicle. Even with normal usage, there are several problems which vehicles are subjected to, like weather-related effects e.g. rust and corrosion, traffic film resulting from exhaust deposits, atmosphere pollutants and oil, gross soiling due to harsh weather etc.
We understand that, in cleaning and maintenance, the right employment of high-quality chemicals is the most important factor. As well as, using the right product for the right job, type of machine used for cleaning, frequency of cleaning and more.
To cut the maintenance costs and have a cleaner vehicle, we have developed a superior range of products. Our product range includes a perfect radiator coolant developed particularly to reduce corrosion due to the water in the region that’s brackish and usually very hot. This product is based on MEG with a superior blend of corrosion inhibitors that are anti-boil, antifreeze and anti-corrosion too. Proper maintenance ensures a healthy long life for your vehicle, which is important especially due to their rising costs.
Car owners across Kuwait and the globe trust Al Sanea Chemical Products for our range of cutting-edge automobile chemicals.
Sana Engine Coolant is a monoethylene Glycol based anti-boil, antifreeze and anti-corrosion radiator coolant with superior corrosion inhibitors, particularly developed for the Middle East region. It prevents boil-over and rusting summers, as well as burst protection in winters. The product is formulated with mono ethylene glycol so as to obtain a low freezing temperature; therefore, under normal winter conditions in the region, keeps your car cooling system safe.
SANA AUTO SHINE is a superb car polish specially designed to give a smooth and tough polish to painted metallic surfaces. It also protects the painted metal from grease, salt sprays, detergents, etc., all elements which can destroy your car’s finish. An added advantage of Sana Auto Shine, is that it will neutralize the static electricity generated during the cleaning process.
MAHAR is a highly effective glass surface cleaner formulated to effectively disinfect and remove dirt, soil, grime, wax and fingerprints and more from glass, aluminium and many other surfaces. It is an ideal cleaner for almost every application such as mirrors, window glass and panels, fiberglass fittings, stainless steel, aluminium and plastic surfaces. This high-powered solution instantly removes any contamination with a spray and wipe-off technique, due to its Isopropyl Alcohol content.
SANA Emulsol is a solvent-based low viscosity liquid emulsifier, designed for cold degreasing. It provides rapid emulsion separation, which makes it highly effective to remove oil, grease, sludge and other dirt normally present in equipment, plants and other engineering components. It works as an excellent marine tank cleaner too, for ships that previously carried either crude petroleum products or animal/vegetable oils etc.
Sana Cleanoff Liquid is a heavy alkaline liquid cleaner engineered to remove many types of grease, dirt, oil and other residues by saponification and emulsification. Since it contains no solvents and is non-flammable, it works as an excellent steam cleaner to remove oil residue, grease, dirt and more. It can also be used to remove mineral oil and engine oil wastes as well as lubricating oil residue.