Speciality Oilfield Chemicals & General Maintenance Chemicals
High-performance chemicals that ensure smooth functioning of your expensive oil drilling equipment.
- Chafing Fuel
- Heavy Chemicals
- Marine Chemicals
- Disinfectant Sprayers
- Household Chemicals
- Floor Cleaning Chemicals
- Decorative Industrial Paints
- White Spirit Manufacturer
- Water Treatment Chemicals
- Swimming Pool Cleaning Chemicals
- Industrial Laundry Chemicals
- Oilfield Speciality & Maintenance chemicals
- Automobile Maintenance Chemicals
- Industrial Cleaning & Degreasing Chemicals
- Janitorial Cleaning and Disinfectants for Healthcare
Oil production and refining is one of the largest industries of the Gulf region. Due to its complex nature it needs a large range of specialty oilfield chemicals to protect costly refining equipment from corrosion due to local weather influences.
Backed by years of research, we have developed a range of specialty oilfield chemicals to meet today’s demanding conditions in the field. Today, Al Sanea Chemical Products is Kuwait’s trusted and leading manufacturer and supplier of these specialty products to the oil industry. We have products ranging from demulsifiers, to corrosion inhibitors, neutrazing amines, processing chemicals and more, which have been used and proved superior for the past many years by big oil drilling companies.
Our team of scientists conduct continuous laboratory research to further the development of these specialty ranges, to meet the demands of the rapidly-advancing petroch emical industries.
Crude oil demulsifier is used for proper treatment and purification of crude, before it goes to the electrical desalters. It is critical for refining process operations that the crude oil is efficiently and quickly separated from the water to allow oil to be exported and clean water to be discharged within consent, thus maximizing crude oil value and minimizing operating costs.
Oxygen scavengers are important during the drilling and production process of oil. They help capture the dissolved oxygen in a harmless chemical reaction that renders the oxygen unavailable for corrosive reactions. These are critical in applications in which fluids are to be circulated in the oil wellbore.
Scale inhibitors prevent undesirable build-up of scale on equipment, which can lead to less than optimal process conditions. Our scale inhibitors work to control a wide variety of scale production challenges to help prolong the life of your well. It reduces downtime, maintain flow capacity, increase equipment life, and has many more benefits.
SANA Emulsol is a solvent-based low viscosity liquid emulsifier, designed for cold degreasing. It provides rapid emulsion separation, which makes it highly effective to remove oil, grease, sludge and other dirt normally present in equipment, plants and other engineering components. It works as an excellent marine tank cleaner too, for ships that previously carried either crude petroleum products or animal/vegetable oils etc.
Sana Oil Disperser – SOSR-1 is a water-based medium viscosity liquid with a carefully balanced blend of emulsifiers, formulated to clean oil slicks and also to disintegrate floating oils. It is low toxic and fully bio-degradable, with no harmful solvents, making it safe for marine life too. It is qualified as a type-2 dispersant (water-dilutable concentrate) and type-3 concentrate dispersant to be used directly.
We have developed high-performance coagulants and in-line flocculants, that are ideal for raw inlet or oil water classification, slop oil. They are a great effluent water treatment method for solids removal, water clarification, lime softening, sludge thickening, and solids dewatering. Our products also help achieve the most cost-effective water treatment program.
Our dispersant is a polymeric wax dispersant/inhibitor that can lower the pour point of heavy waxy crude & other heavy fuels. This controls the deposition of wax in the downstream facilities of refineries, crude oil pipelines and other surface equipment by modifying the crystallization of wax in crude oil, diesel & other heavy fuels. This reduces back pressure of pipelines/other equipment to improve the flow of crude/fuels.
AlSanea offers a complete line of water- and oil-soluble hydrogen sulfide scavengers that can be applied via continuous injection or through batch treatments. The benefits include improved safety due to reduced hydrogen sulfide content; Meet contract sales limit for H2S content; Removal of H2S gas from process systems, thereby reducing corrosion; Easy removal of reaction products from process systems; and Maintain asset integrity and reduce the need for replacement equipment.
These oil-soluble, water insoluble and fatty acid based highly active primary emulsifiers give a superior electrical stability in water-in-oil emulsion in oil base mud system. All our products provide excellent stable emulsion, establish base control of the API & HTHP filtration rate and mix easily with the other components of the system.
The range provides excellent stable emulsion because it is oil-soluble, water insoluble and fatty amide based highly active. These products are used in a small percentage in combination under extremely adverse drilling conditions e.g. high salt content, cement contamination and rapid barite additions. Our products are also effective in all oil or invert drilling systems.
These water soluble and non-ionic/anionic surfactant based products are used for invert drilling fluids. These products can be used in fresh or salty water as a wetting agent. Furthermore, these agents reduce system viscosity due to oil wet or water wet. These wetting agents can also be used for removal of filter cake in a drilling mud system.